Art Success at Young Art Oxford Exhibition

Three Chandlings Prep School children won top prizes at the annual Young Art Oxford Exhibition along with another three receiving commended and highly commended awards. Their pictures will be displayed at the Ashmolean museum until Saturday 4 May where donations can be made to buy them back with the proceeds going towards Cancer Research.
Young Art Oxford is an annual art exhibition open to all Oxfordshire schools with children from any year between Reception to Year 9. Thousands of paintings are entered and it is a wonderful opportunity for young aspiring artists to have their work judged by well known professionals and artists and to exhibit at the prestigious Ashmolean Museum. Each year the children have a different theme on which to base their art with this year’s theme being ‘Home’’. All children at Chandlings from Reception up to Year 6 entered the competition.
This year, 33 entries were chosen to be displayed at the Ashmolean. Jan in Year 4 won 1st prize for her ‘View from Space’ piece, Zoe in Year 5 was awarded 2nd prize for her ‘Brother in the Living Room’ scene and Joshie also in Year 5 came 3rd in his category for his ‘Puppies on the Patio’’ painting. Congratulations must also go to Remy (Yr2), Natasha (Yr5) and Guy (Yr5) for their highly commended and commended awards.
Pippa Prosser, Head of Art at Chandlings said, “We enter Young Art Oxford competition as not only does it encourage creative responses to a new theme each year, but also allows the children to actively raise funds for Cancer Research UK. The knowledge that their work may be chosen to be exhibited at the Ashmolean Museum, makes this a very exciting competition for our children to enter! The winners and their families are treated to a very special awards evening at the museum.’’
Christine Cook, Head of Chandlings added, “We are really proud of these awards. With over 50 schools taking part this is a significant achievement. Our school is all about having a balance between academic, creative and outdoor education. The aim of the Art Department at Chandlings is to create a happy environment where each child’s creativity is developed, enhanced and celebrated. Enquiring minds are positively encouraged! “
Many of the paintings have also been displayed at the Barn Café in Abingdon.