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From Blackout to Blitz: Year 6 enjoy immersive WW2 experience

Year 6 at Chandlings Prep took a trip through history on WW2 Day! This exciting, cross-curricular event brought history to life through creative projects, code-breaking activities, and even wartime performances.

Students donned handmade gas mask boxes (a Maths project!) and learned about rationing in English, inspired by "When the Sky Falls." Science tackled blackouts with a light-blocking experiment, while Maths cracked codes like Bletchley Park. The children also headed up to the gardens and planted their own beans ("Dig for Victory"!)

The afternoon featured dramatic performances inspired by wartime photos, followed by a celebratory VE Day tea party with music! Students even learned classic tunes like "A Long Way to Tipperary."

This immersive experience is a prime example of Chandlings Prep's innovative approach to learning, making history fun and engaging for all.

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