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Ahoy Maties! Reception Sets Sail on a Pirate Adventure!

Get ready to raise the Jolly Roger! Reception kicked off the term with a swashbuckling adventure, perfectly embodying Chandlings Prep's commitment to championing childhood and innovation.

Their adventure started with crafting personalised treasure chests. Gems, buttons, and pirate treasures adorned their creations, making each one unique. Even pirates embrace technology! Using PurpleMash, the young buccaneers explored interactive puzzles and created "mash cams"

Lunch was a feast fit for a pirate captain! Children "snuck" through a treasure cove, past sleeping parrots and tangled vines, emerging onto an ocean of blue tablecloths leading to a pirate banquet. Skull goblets and themed cakes fueled their imaginations and their tummies!

No pirate journey is complete without a treasure hunt! Each class deciphered clues, following a trail across the playground with their treasure chests in tow. These clues led them to puzzle pieces that, when combined, revealed a magnificent image of a treasure chest - a symbol of their teamwork and endeavour.

From crafting personalised keepsakes to mastering digital tools and embarking on an epic quest, Reception's pirate day was a celebration of learning and imagination. The children captured their adventures in writing and their enthusiasm and descriptive language left us incredibly impressed! 

This immersive experience is a testament to how Chandlings Prep brings learning to life. By blending imagination with the foundations of endeavour, innovation and adventure, Reception's pirate day created an opportunity for exploration, teamwork, and of course, a healthy dose of pirate spirit!

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